Friday, November 20, 2009

We're Not In 2008 Anymore

Toto has pulled the curtain back and revealed The Wizard of Obama to be nothing more than a huckster pulling levers, blowing smoke, and talking into a microphone.

Bob McDonnell, Bill Bolling, and Ken Cuccinelli were elected Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General respectively of Virginia by a landslide last week. They didn’t just win, they crushed the opposition. McDonnell got 58% of the vote to 41% for his opponent (Creigh Deeds). That’s an astounding 17% margin, and the largest percentage of the vote for a governor in Virginia since 1961. In the absolute magnitude of the vote count, McDonnell’s 1,161,724 votes are the largest number of votes any candidate for governor in Virginia has ever received! Ever.

McDonnell and team ran an issues based campaign in which they proposed common sense conservative solutions to the matters of concern to Virginians. The most important aspect of that statement is the word “conservative”. McDonnell and Bolling and Cuccinelli are all grounded in the conservative principles of small government, low taxes, free enterprise, individual liberty, personal responsibility, and traditional American values. And they won in a rout.

In New Jersey, Chris Christie, a Republican, beat an incumbent Democrat governor in another landslide. We’re talking New Jersey, a very Democrat state, where dead people have been known to arise and vote for the Democrat when the race is tight, and where other such shenanigans are not uncommon. But the Republican won handily.

In an upstate New York congressional district, a complete unknown running as the Conservative Party candidate lost narrowly to the Democrat. This result was due to the total chaos that erupted within the Republican Party when, in traditional smoke-filled back room politics manner, the local Republican party bosses put up a candidate who was so liberal that a palace revolt occurred among the Republicans. This ultra-liberal Republican candidate withdrew and endorsed the Democrat (yes, the Republican candidate endorsed the Democrat), throwing the election to him. In spite of all of this complete pandemonium, the Conservative Party candidate almost won, and if the Republicans had nominated him in the first place, he no doubt would have won easily.

On election night, when he was asked if he was going to watch the election returns, Obama, in Marie Antoinette “let them eat cake” style, said no, he was going to watch a basketball game.

The Obama protectors in the media are now busily proclaiming that none of these elections results were in any way a referendum on Obama, but rather they turned strictly on local issues.


In election exit polls last week, when asked what was their number one concern, voters overwhelmingly said it was the economy. Well, the economy is certainly a national,  not a local,  issue. And who is “economist in chief” now?

The Democrats need to bring Bill Clinton back. Remember, “It’s the economy, stupid”?

What about cap-and–trade? There’s no doubt that that national issue was also important in the Virginia election.

Health care? Of course that spilled over into the state elections.

Taxes were a huge issue in the Virginia election, and many people are also concerned about potential tax increases from Washington.

I don’t think Obama and his acolytes are so clueless as to really believe this nonsense about the 2009 election not saying anything about Obama, but I hope they are. That means we can blind-side them again in 2010 and 2012.

There are three main lessons to be learned from the recent election.

The overall lesson is that the Presidential election in 2008 was an anomaly. It happened the way it did due to a once-in-a-lifetime combination of events. There was an unpopular Republican incumbent President; people were very dissatisfied with the way things were going in Iraq; the economy was tanking in a frightening manner; the Democrats found a smooth talking, cool dude; the Republican candidate was inept and sometimes downright flakey; the media became the Democrats’ cheerleading squad; and many people got caught up in the historical moment of the first African-American President. The planets were all in alignment, but it was a fluke brought about by conditions that will never occur again.

For the Democrats, the lesson from the 2009 election is that if they continue to follow the pied piper of Obama, they will march off into oblivion.

For Republicans, the lesson is that when they have candidates who unabashedly run on true conservative principles instead of away from them, who clearly articulate common sense conservative solutions to the issues of the day, and who stay on message, they win.


Jessee Ring

Nov. 7, 2009


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