Monday, March 15, 2010

Jessee Ring Challenges Morgan Griffith To A Debate

Jessee Bane Ring, candidate for the Republican nomination for the Ninth Congressional District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, today issued a challenge to Morgan Griffith, another candidate for the nomination, to a debate on the issues. The challenge was made at the Radford City Committee meeting.

“There are a number of very significant issues facing America and the people of Southwest Virginia. You know the litany: government spending trillions of borrowed money, massive government bailouts, government taking over car companies, government trying to take over health care, cap and tax, giving constitutional rights to terrorists, the war in Afghanistan, the President of the United States going around the world apologizing for America, Iran, North Korea. The positions of the candidates for the nomination on these major issues needs to be fully discussed and aired in public, so that the people can have the benefit of that in making their decision of who to nominate”, said Ring.

“The election in November is a battle for the future of the country. It is a battle over liberty. We need to make sure that we send the right person to Washington from the Ninth District, someone who will stand fast for our Southwest Virginia values and principles, someone who is one of us”, Ring added.

Ring said, “I think a debate on these issues is necessary. The candidates should let the people have all of the information needed in order to decide who will be the best candidate. I call on Morgan Griffith to respond within three days to my request for such a debate.”

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